quinta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2007


... looked through the window (metaphoriacally speaking, and a metaphorical opening on a metaphorical wall), and gazed at the ethereal space outside. Something that hadn't even existed before simply materialized right before ... eyes. It was about time to finish the wandering around without a clear purpose or even faintest clue of departure and arrival points! There had to be an end and this was as good a time as there'd ever be. It was a resolution, but maybe just another empty and unfeasible one, like a certain pattern that seemed to creep unannounced out from under a lost age of innocence! ... "Leave it be" said the little trident-armed red midget on the right side thought-balloon, while the white-gowned little spectre on the left felt its last drop of existence drain through its' very spectral little fingers (some metaphorical protruding limbs from an equally metaphorical corpus)... ... looked past these products of an over-stimulated imagination to come back to a far less romantic and romanticized real reality! And then what was there just a second before, wasn't there anymore, or was it? Or had it ever even been? Or did existence happen at all? Who could tell for sure, someone from inside? (What was inside and out anyway?) some external observer? And then again, after this leap of faith, should ... believe so bluntly in a forged opinion on which no though process of ... own had even been made? Who decides things here and now? What bullshit is this anyway! "Am I or am I not in charge"? cried out in silence ... tormented soul as ... realized that, most likely, there really existed, simply, Nothing